Workshop: Intellectual and formal standards of scientific work Atelier de lucru: standarde intelectuale si formale in activitatea științifică (în limba engleză) |
29.07.19 |
Academia de Administrare Publică (Chişinău), 04.05.2016, 10:00 - 13:00, room 2 (Block C). |
In the field of scientific research, there are different customs and traditions in different countries and disciplines. However, the scientific standards, i.e. the intellectual and formal standards of scientific work, are universal. They derive directly from the basic principles of scientific work and therefore are binding everywhere. This workshop presents the intellectual and formal standards of scientific work as they are relevant in the fields of law, social sciences and related sciences, with a special focus on formal standards, in particular the art of scientific citing. All interested lecturers, young researchers, doctoral students and master students are welcome!
In English, with translation into Romanian by Dr. Ana Gorea.
See also the report at the website of the Academia de Administrare Publică.
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Contents (summary/details/detalii )
I. Introduction
Scientific standards and other standards for scientific work
The reasons for scientific standards
The authority to define scientific standards
Scientific standards and scientific conventions
II. Intellectual standards of scientific work
Standards of intellectual authenticity and originality
Standards of intellectual accuracy, consistency and precision
Standards of intellectual thoroughness
III. Formal standards of scientific work
The formal structure and the composition of the scientific work
The scientific style of writing
The art of scientific citing
The formatting of the scientific text
IV. The need to promote the awareness of the intellectual and formal standards in science
[A.General introductions ] [B. Scientific style of writing and scientific citing]
A. General introductions to scientific research and scientific standards
Balzert, Helmut von; Kern, Uwe; Schäfer, Christian; Schröder, Marion: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Wissenschaft, Quellen, Artefakte, Organisation, Präsentation [Scientific work. Science, sources, artefacts, organisation, presentation], 2nd edition 2011 | |
Dawson, Catherine: Research methods. A practical guide for anyone undertaking a research project, 4th edition 2009 | |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (editor): Sicherung Guter Wissenschaftlicher Praxis / Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice, 2013 | |
Franck, Norbert: Handbuch Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten [Handbook on scientific work], 2nd edition 2007 | |
Franck, Norbert; Stary, Joachim: Die Technik wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens. Eine praktische Anleitung [The techniques of scientific work. A practical guide], 17th edition 2013 | |
Institute for Employment Studies (editor): RESPECT. Professional and ethical codes for socio-economic research in the information sciety, 2004, | |
Karmasin, Matthias; Ribing, Rainer: Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Ein Leitfaden für Seminararbeiten, Bachelor-, Master- und Magisterarbeiten sowie Dissertationen [The design of scientific papers. A guide for bachelor, master and magister theses and also doctoral theses]; 8th edition 2014 | |
Macrina, Francis L.: Scientific Integrity. Text and Cases in Responsible Conduct of Research, 4th edition 2014 | |
Pruzan, Peter: Research Methodology. The Aims, Practices and Ethics of Science, 2016 | |
Vumuka-ku-Nanga, César; Matangila Musadila, Léon: Guide pratique de la recherche et de la rédaction scientifiques [Practical guide of scientific research and redaction], 2013 |
B. Introductions to the scientific style of writing and to scientific citing
Council of Science editors (editor): Scientific Style and Format. The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 8th edition 2014 | |
Davis, Martha; Davis, Kaaron Joann; Dunagan, Marion: Scientific Papers and Presentations. Navigating Scientific Communication in Today's World, 3rd edition 2012 [Kindle Edition] | |
Glasman-Deal, Hilary: Science Research Writing. A Guide for Non-Native Speakers of English, 2010 | |
Hofmann, Angelika: Scientific Writing and Communication. Papers, Proposals, and Presentations, 2nd edition 2013 | |
Jele, Harald: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Zitieren [Scientific work: Citing], 3rd edition 2012 | |
Lebrun, Jean-Luc: Guide pratique de rédaction scientifique [Practical guide of scientific redaction, 2012 | |
Lehmann, Günter: Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Zielwirksam verfassen und präsentieren [Scientific work. Writing and presenting effectively], 5th edition 2014 | |
Peat, Jennifer; Elliott, Elizabeth; Baur, Louise; Keena, Victoria; Scientific Writing. Easy when you know how, 2002 [Kindle edition] | |
Pospiech, Ulrike: Duden-Ratgeber - Wie schreibt man wissenschaftliche Arbeiten? [Duden guide - how to write scientific papers], 2012 | |
Schimel, Joshua: Writing Science. How to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded, 2011 | |
Yang, Jen Tsi: An Outline of Scientific Writing. For Researchers with English as a Foreign Language, 1995 |
A. Links concerning the general subject of the course
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sicherung Guter Wissenschaftlicher Praxis / Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice, 2013 |
RESPECT project, Professional and ethical codes for socio-economic research in the information sciety, 2004 |
European Network of Research Integrity Offices (see in particular the Code of Counduct for Research Integrity, revised edition 2017) |
Council of scientific editors (see in particular the White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications, updated 2012) |
School of Graduate Studies (Huntsville, USA), Thesis and Dissertation Preparation and Processing Manual, 2007 |
Mauri Yambo, Nine Key Standards of Scientific Research, 2016 |
Jens Peter Schneider, Leitfaden für eine Dissertation [guide for writing a doctoral thesis] |
see also the websites for my course "Introdcution to scientific legal research" at Hanoi Law University (Semester 1, 2013/14) and at the University of Latvia (autumn semester 2009) |
B. Links concerning special subjects
concerning part II.1.a: scientific plagiarism in Germany and Europe: the Guttenberg case (report by Spiegel Online), the Schavan case (reports by Deutsche Welle/Spiegel Online, press release of the University of Düsseldorf); the Koch-Mehrin case (reports by Spiegel Online/BBC/Deutsche Welle; fraud factories in Germany (report by Spiegel Online); the Hungarian President's case (report by BBC) |
concerning part II.1.a: fight against plagiarism:; What is plagiarism? (Univ. Concordia/Univ. of North Carolina); Plagiarism and Paraphrasing (elaborated online guide with citation guides and guide on integrity expectations, Purdue University Global), Good academic practice in the context of theses submitted for a degree (Deutscher Hochschulverband/Allgemeiner Fakultätentag/Fakultätentag); Empfehlungen zur wissenschaftlichen Redlichkeit bei der Erstellung rechtswissenschaftlicher Texte [Recommendations on scientific integrity in the preparation of texts in legal science] (Deutscher Juristischer Fakultätentag) |
concerning part III: Formal Guidelines for Scientific Theses (Univ. of Bern); Thesis Guidelines (Central European Univ., Budapest); Principles of effective Scientific Writing (SCITEXT Cambridge); Tips for Academic Writing and Other Formal Writing (James Bednar); Greg Anderson, How to write a paper in scientific journal style and format, updated 2015; Citation Guide (Williams College Libraries); Cite a Source (University of Illinois University Library); Leitsätze Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis im Öffentlichen Recht [Guidelines Good scientific practice in public law] (Association of German Constitutionalists); see also the comments of Ole Bjørn Rekdal, Academic Citation Practice: A Sinking Sheep?, 2014; Singapore Statement of Research Integrity (2010) and Robert West; Kerstin Stenius, The use and abuse of citation |